
There are two main DSP boot flows:

  • Cold boot performed when the host CPU exits an Sx state. FW binaries are loaded into DSP memory and full state re-initialization is required. This flow is also referred as Purge Flow in the figures below.

  • RTD3 boot when the DSP state is restored from the DSP internal memory. This flow is available on platforms with access to Isolated Memory Region (IMR) allocated for the DSP.

IPC Communication with DSP ROM

Once the primary DSP core (#0) is powered up and reset by the host driver, an IPC communication with the DSP ROM is required in order to set the boot options (see Boot Path Control Messages for details and list of platforms that require this step). It is a one-way message that does not require a response from the DSP.

There may be some specific requirements about the order of the DSP core reset, sending IPC message, and the DSP core unstall operations. It is assumed that the following order is required unless specified otherwise by Boot Path Control Message in case of a specific platform:

  1. Power up and reset the DSP Core 0,

  2. Send ROM Control IPC,

  3. Unstall DSP Core 0.

The ROM Control IPC message includes “purge” parameter that should be set to 1 in case of the cold boot. Otherwise it may be set to 0 after coming out of RTD3 to attempt quicker state restore flow. In the latter case, the driver just waits for FW Ready notification (no library loading is needed).

The flow is illustrated in the next figure.

actor Host

participant mw0 as "MemWnd0"

participant core0 as "DSP Core0"

participant rom as "DSP ROM"

Host -> core0 : power up and reset

Host -> rom : <<IPC>> ROM Control(set_boot_config)

Host -> core0 : unstall

  core0 -> rom : ResetVector()

    activate rom

Host -> mw0 : wait for(FSR_ROM_INIT_DONE)

  rom -> rom : Process ROM Control

  mw0 <- rom : FwRegsSetState(FSR_ROM_INIT_DONE)

Host <-- mw0

Host -> Host : binaries loading

Loading Binaries to ADSP Memory

The ADSP FW binary code may be divided into:

  • The Base FW binary file, which contains FW infrastructure code (Base FW module) required by all the platforms, optionally followed by other modules,

  • Set of libraries (modules) containing additional processing modules code that may be optionally loaded into ADSP FW memory based on the platform’s requirements and configuration.


This section contains general information about the structure of binaries necessary to understand the loading process. For a complete documentation refer to FW Binaries documentation.

There are two main parts of the main binary:

  • Manifest,

  • Modules binary code.

Determining Part of Binary to be Loaded

The binary begins with the Manifest that is loaded into the DSP memory. The Manifest contains preload_page_count parameter that determines part of the binary to be loaded by the driver during the boot process. The preload size is expressed in pages, where size of the page is 4096 bytes for all platforms. If IMR is available and allocated for the DSP on the platform, the preload size includes the entire binary. Otherwise it includes only the critical part of the binary while other parts (so called loadable modules) may be loaded on demand when needed (see Load Multiple Modules IPC) to limit SRAM usage and save the power.

For example, the Base FW binary file may be setup in a way that preload_page_count includes size of the Manifest as well as size of the following Base FW module (it is always module 0 in the Base FW binary) since its presence in the DSP memory is absolutely necessary for the boot to complete. If the Base FW module is followed by other modules code, they may be either included in the preload or not, depending on the platform memory availability.

The preload_page_count is one of the AdspFwBinaryHeader parameters. The header starts with “$AM1” tag (0x314D4124) and is located at offset 0x2000 of the binary file.


All the binary file offsets specified by the Manifest are computed relatively to the beginning of the Manifest.

Preparing DMA to Transfer Binaries

The driver programs the DMA engine that is used to transfer the binaries into the DSP memory. It is either dedicated Code Load DMA if available, or one of the HD/A host output DMAs otherwise. In the latter case the ROM Control IPC is required since the DMA identifier must be passed to the DSP ROM in order to program the DMA on the DSP side.

Note that the DMA buffers are managed independently on the host side and the DSP side.

Loading Binaries

Once the DMA is ready, the driver loads the Base FW binary, waits for the FW Ready IPC notification and then loads additional binaries (libraries/modules).


Loading additional modules must be finished before any stream is opened for the first time and the DMA is reclaimed for HD/A streaming.

The complete flow is illustrated in the next figure.

actor host as "Host"

participant cldma as "CodeLoadDMA"

participant mw0 as "MemWnd0"

participant core0 as "DSP Core0"

participant rom as "DSP ROM"

participant fw as "DSP FW"

activate rom

activate host

host -> cldma : init_host_side()

rom -> cldma : init_dsp_side()

note right: Unified cAVS1.5+ flow

host -> mw0 : wait for (FSR_ROM_INIT_DONE)

  mw0 <- rom : FSR_ROM_INIT_DONE

host <-- mw0

host -> cldma : write(base fw binary)

  cldma <- rom : read() : base fw manifest

  rom -> rom : veirfy(base fw manifest)

  cldma <- rom : read() : base fw code

  mw0 <- rom : FSR_ROM_FW_ENTERED

  create fw

  rom -> fw : start()

    activate fw

    fw -> fw : initialization()

    host <- fw : <<IPC Notification>> FW Ready

    deactivate fw

loop libraries loading

  host -> cldma : write(library binary)

  host -> fw : <<IPC>> Load Library

    activate fw

    cldma <- fw : read() : library manifest

    fw -> fw : verify(library manifest)

    cldma <- fw : read() : library code

    host <-- fw

    deactivate fw

end loop

Figure 5 Loading FW Binaries to ADSP Memory

The details of _write(….binary) step are illustrated in the next figure.

actor host as "Host"

participant cldma as "CodeLoadDMA"

activate host

host -> host : read(): binary

host -> host : detect and strip Extended Manifest : binary_mft_code

host -> host : retrieve preload size (binary_mft_code) : preload_size

host -> cldma : write (binary_mft_code, mft_size)

host -> cldma : write (binary_mft_code+mft_size, preload_size-mft_size)

Figure 6 Writing a Binary

Booting with Boot Loader

actor "ROM" as rom

box "boot_ldr @IMR" #6fccdd

	participant ".boot_entry.text" as bup_be

	participant ".text" as bup

end box

participant "sof" as fw

rom -> bup_be : boot_entry() @boot_ldr.ep (boot_entry.S)

	activate bup_be

	bup_be -> bup_be : j boot_init:

	note right: Platform specific actions (compilation flags)\n\

- reset MHE\n\

- disable L2$

	bup_be -> bup : call8 boot_pri_core() (boot_loader.c)

		activate bup

		bup -> bup : hp_sram_init()

		opt defined(CONFIG_BOOT_LOADER)

			bup -> bup : parse_manifest()

			note right: copying of FW IMR -> SRAM done here


	bup -> bup : _ResetVector()

		activate bup

		bup -> fw : _MainEntry() @SOF_TEXT_START

			fw -> fw : call0 _start

				activate fw

				fw -> fw : call main

					activate fw

Figure 7 SOF Boot Loader Flow