Set up a Ktest-based environment


These instructions explain how a target device can be configured to update the kernel over SSH. The use of and git worktrees allow for simultaneous configs to be tested on multiple platforms, though only one branch can be checked out at a time. Wired Ethernet access is assumed as wireless is unreliable. If there is no Ethernet port, use a USB-Ethernet dongle supported in the kernel.

Prerequisites on the target device

The target device can be any of the SOF-supported platforms, e.g. MinnowBoard, Up^2, Asus T100, Chromebooks)

1. Install OS on target

Install ubuntu or debian (fedora is possible with a minor change in the initrd generation)

2. Enable root password

sudo su (enter your password)
passwd (enter new root password)

3. Create test kernel

Copy your existing known-to-work kernels/initrd

cp /boot/vmlinuz-4.13.0-16-generic /boot/vmlinuz-test
cp /boot/initrd.img-4.13.0-16-generic /boot/initrd.img-test

Change the extensions as needed to create an initial grub entry for a test kernel. You will never override the default Ubuntu/Debian stuff, so you will always have the ability to boot a working kernel if your changes fail to boot.

4. Edit grub default

# Use your text editor of choice.
sudo emacs /etc/default/grub
sudo update-grub

Add GRUB_DISABLE_SUBMENU=y to the end and save. Sub-menus confuse ktest.

5. Get familiar with grub-reboot

ktest relies on grub-reboot. grub-reboot lets you try a freshly built kernel only once and then boot immediately a “safe” kernel again without interacting with the boot menu: a simple power cycle is enough. It’s a must have for testing development kernels that may not fully boot.

In case something goes wrong with ktest, being familiar with grub-reboot may save you interacting with the boot menu or even better: it may save you making your system unbootable by accident. Understanding how grub-reboot works is required to fully understand ktest configuration. It’s much easier to discover grub-reboot alone than when entangled with ktest.

There’s a lot of grub-reboot documentation online and offline but apparently no good and very short cheat sheet so here is one below. For more details search the documentation of your Linux distribution. The commands below have been tested on Ubuntu 20.04; they should be nearly identical for most Linux distributions.

# Add/remove entries in grub.cfg after making changes in /boot/
# grub.cfg is generated, don't edit it!

# See which GRUB entry was booted
cat /proc/cmdline

# grub-reboot requires "unharcoding" GRUB_DEFAULT
printf 'GRUB_DEFAULT=saved\n' >> /etc/default/grub

Warning: update-grub does not care about menuentry order and will mess up what the numbers below point to!

# Show the currently selected menuentry
grub-editenv list
   => saved_entry=6

# Show all, numbered kernel choices without (re)booting
awk '/^menuentry/ { print i++, '\t', $0 }' /boot/grub/grub.cfg
   => 5  menuentry ...
   => 6  menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 5.4.0-53-generic' --class ubuntu ...
   => 7  menuentry ...

# Attempt to boot menuentry 4 only once
grub-reboot 4; grub-editenv list
   => saved_entry=6
   => next_entry=4

# Switch to menuentry number 4 as the new "safe" kernel
grub-set-default 4; grub-editenv list
   => saved_entry=4

6. Install openssh-server

sudo apt-get install openssh-server
# Use your editor of choice.
sudo emacs /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Replace PermitRootLogin without-password with PermitRootLogin yes and save.

Configure SSH without password

1. Check SSH connection

ssh root@<target>

2. Generate an SSH key for the target

cd ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -f sshktest
# Enter a 5+ character passphrase.
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/sshktest root@<target>
# This will prompt you for the root password.

3. Test the key

ssh -i ~/.ssh/sshktest root@<target>
# Ubuntu unlocks the key so the -i option is not necessary.

4. Disable root access

Disable the root password on the target device if you are concerned about access control.

# Use your editor of choice.
sudo emacs /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Replace PermitRootLogin yes by PermitRootLogin without-password, save, and exit.

Create a linux development environment

1. Create a main working GIT tree

git clone git:// linux-ref.git
cd linux-ref.git

2. Add a set of useful remotes

git remote add sof
git remote add takashi git://
git remote add broonie git://
git remote add liam    git://
git remote add keyon   git://
git remote add vinod   git://
git remote add plb     git://
git fetch sof
git fetch takashi
git fetch broonie
git fetch liam
git fetch keyon
git fetch vinod
git fetch plb

All of these branches will be accessible and can be updated from any worktree. Clone once and use fetch to update the main working tree.

3. Create a worktree for SOF in ~/ktest


Change the location of your ktest directory and which branch you use as needed.

git worktree add ~/ktest/sof-dev sof/topic/sof-dev

4. Set-up worktree

cd ~/ktest/sof-dev
mkdir sof-dev-build
mkfifo sof-dev-cat
cp sof-dev/tools/testing/ktest/ .

5. Save your kernel config as ~/ktest/sof-dev-defconfig

If you don’t know what options are needed, you can start using configurations maintained by SOF developers.

git clone
cd linux
make defconfig
scripts/kconfig/ .config ../kconfig/base-defconfig ../kconfig/sof-defconfig ../kconfig/sof-mach-driver-defconfig ../kconfig/hdaudio-codecs-defconfig
cp .config ../sof-dev-defconfig
make mrproper
cd ..


Use make proper since requires the source directory to be clean. All compilation happens in the -build directory.

6. Edit ktest configuration as needed

Save the following in sof-dev.conf.

# The difference between config variables (:=) and ktest options (=) and a
# few other things are explained in tools/testing/ktest/examples/sample.conf

SSH_USER = root
# BUILD_DIR is the source directory
BUILD_DIR = ${THIS_DIR}/sof-dev
# OUTPUT_DIR is the actual build directory
OUTPUT_DIR = ${THIS_DIR}/sof-dev-build
BUILD_TARGET = arch/x86/boot/bzImage

# ktest requires LOCALVERSION. This is normally a '-something' suffix like
# in 'vmlinuz-5.10-rc5-something'. Let's (ab)use it as the full version so
# we have a constant 'vmlinuz-something' filename and we don't have to
# make changes in /boot/ all the time.
# update-grub will complain but work anyway.

LOG_FILE = ${OUTPUT_DIR}/sof-dev.log
CONSOLE = cat ${THIS_DIR}/sof-dev-cat
POWER_CYCLE = echo Power cycle the machine now and press ENTER; read a
#set below to help ssh connection to close after sending reboot command
REBOOT = ssh  -o 'ProxyCommand none' $SSH_USER@$MACHINE 'sudo reboot > /dev/null &'

# This how ktest finds which menuentry number to pass to grub-reboot
GRUB_FILE = /boot/grub/grub.cfg
GRUB_MENU = Ubuntu, with Linux ${LOCALVERSION}
#GRUB_MENU = ubilinux GNU/Linux, with Linux ${LOCALVERSION}
#GRUB_MENU = GalliumOS GNU/Linux, with Linux ${LOCALVERSION}
GRUB_REBOOT = grub-reboot

# update-initramfs does not support any "version-less" 'vmlinuz-test' because it
# does not tell where to find modules like '/lib/modules/5.10.0-rc5test+'
# So we have to use a lower level, more explicit command like:
#     mkinitramfs -o initrdfile 5.10.0-rc5test+
# ktest finds the real KERNEL_VERSION thanks to "make O=${OUTPUT_DIR}
# kernelrelease"
POST_INSTALL = ssh  -o 'ProxyCommand none' $SSH_USER@$MACHINE sudo /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-${LOCALVERSION} $KERNEL_VERSION

#REBOOT_TYPE = script
#REBOOT_SCRIPT = ssh $SSH_USER@$MACHINE "sed -i 's|^default.*$|default test|' /boot/loader/loader.conf"

TEST_TYPE = boot
BUILD_TYPE = useconfig:${THIS_DIR}/sof-dev-defconfig

7. Build and test

./ sof-dev.conf

If this does not work, make sure you have all the following files in the local directory:


  • sof-dev-cat

  • sof-dev

  • sof-dev-build

  • sof-dev.conf

  • sof-dev-defconfig

Ktest will compile, install the new kernel, and reboot. Prompt detection only works with a UART, not over SSH, so you will have to Control-C manually when the console is not enabled.

9. Enjoy even more!

By having multiple worktrees and configs, you can run tests in parallel on different machines on the same kernel or different branches.

10. Clean up /lib/modules

Ktest creates a separate module directory per kernel version. User needs to clean up old module directory periodically.

$ ls -al /lib/modules
drwxrwxr-x  3 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Sep 28 15:07 5.9.0-rc4-test+
drwxrwxr-x  3 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Sep 24 11:06 5.9.0-rc5-test+
drwxrwxr-x  3 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Oct  5 16:39 5.9.0-rc6-test+
drwxrwxr-x  3 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Oct 14 21:42 5.9.0-rc7-test+
drwxrwxr-x  3 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Nov  2 12:16 5.9.0-rc8-test+